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Master Arabic and Understand the Qur'an. Fast!

Stop taking the long route to learning Arabic (and wasting money).
Master Arabic online with your personal teacher in the comfort of your own home.




Sit in one to one lessons with experienced male and female teachers from the Middle East in the comfort of your own home. Learn at a pace that suits you. With our intensive classes, our goal is that you understand a third of the Quran in just three months.
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Ever wanted to learn how to recite the Quran properly with full tajwid? Now you can study with Shaykhs of the highest calibre in private lessons online, from your own home. We have special memorisation programmes for both adults and children.
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Seeking Knowledge at a young age is like carving something in stone. We offer lessons designed specifically for children so that they enjoy learning the Book of Allah. Your child will learn from native Arab teachers of the highest calibre In sha’ Allah.
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New Students Join Every Week

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Master the Arabic in a Natural Way

Sit in one to one lessons with experienced male and female teachers from the Middle East in the comfort of your own home. Learn at a pace that suits you. With our intensive classes, our goal is that you understand a third of the Quran in just three months.
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Build a Powerful Connection with Allah

Ever wanted to learn how to recite the Quran properly with full tajwid? Now you can study with Shaykhs of the highest calibre in private lessons online, from your own home. We have special memorisation programmes for both adults and children.
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From first words to fluency

Seeking Knowledge at a young age is like carving something in stone. We offer lessons designed specifically for children so that they enjoy learning the Book of Allah. Your child will learn from native Arab teachers of the highest calibre In sha’ Allah.
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What’s the No. 1 problem everyone has with learning Arabic? Theory. Theory. Theory

Verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, nominative, genitive, accusative, subject and object. What??

“Is Arabic really this difficult to learn? Seriously??”

“I don’t even know this stuff in my own language!”


Sounds familiar? That’s because it is! So many people start to learn Arabic but most don’t get past the basics. The sheer amount of theory is overwhelming for so many people.

But actually, contrary to popular belief, the biggest problem with learning Arabic isn’t actually the theory. It’s not even the sheer volume of verb tables, vocabulary or grammar.

It’s all to do with the approach. This is why we set up Arabic World because we believe that you can learn a language the Natural Way™

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What People Say

How real people said about Education WordPress Theme.


Amna Ali, Doha, Qatar

I just wanted to say that I dearly love my teachers style of teaching. She has to be the best teacher for me Alhumdulilah. She motivates me to learn and develop further for the sake of Allah. May Allah swt preserve her and reward her immensely. Ameen. JazakAllahkhair


Mohammed Esa, London

AMAZING service! Within just a few hours of me e-mailing. I had my course details and my teacher setup for me, ready to start the following day. Mash’Allah I highly recommend this if you ever wanted to learn Arabic. This is your chance, one-on-one private tuition from the comfort of your own home!


Umm Yusaf, United Kingdom

I cannot express how impressed I am with Pure Musk (now called Arabic World). Maashaa’Allah. May Allah continue to bless you in this noble cause. It’s very hard to find a sincere Qur’an/Arabic teaching programme like Pure Musk, this is why I will definitely be recommending you to my friends and family and anyone who asks.


Parents of Ismaeel and Ibraheem, Bradford

Ismaeel had his first lesson today mash’Allah Ustaadh Ibraheem is FANTASTIC may Allah bless him more in everything that’s good for him ameen. Ismaeel loved him jzk for ur efforts. Super job!


Saboor Nasar, London

Masha’Allah Pure Musk (now called Arabic World) has made learning Arabic convenient and accessible for me, whilst giving me the freedom to carry out daily activities. The one hour slot is scheduled after office hours for me so it fits in very well with a busy lifestyle. The teacher is friendly and patient. Masha’Allah he is prompt and the online whiteboard tool is a brilliant aid.

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