We don’t want finance to be a barrier to learning

As such, we have partnered with Seeking Reward Foundation to provide full and part scholarships for those students who genuinely cannot afford to pay the full cost of their studies with Pure Musk. If you genuinely are in such a position, please fill in the below scholarship application form. Note that scholarships are limited and subject to availability so we would humbly ask that you only apply if you are unable to afford the full course fees.

Please note that completion of this application form does not guarantee full or part scholarship. Seeking Reward Foundation will assess your application and then you will be given a response shortly In sha’ Allah (usually within a week). Scholarships can be supported for each student up to 6 months maximum & not more than that to be able to support more students in sha’ allah. For more details about scholarships please contact Seeking Reward Foundation at: scholarships@seekingreward.org.

Please also note that full scholarships are now closed. We are now only awarding scholarships up to a maximum of 50% towards your course fees.

***Scholarships are only available for Quran lessons***

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